Dr. Sara Hubbard is originally from Oklahoma City, Okla. After earning her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry
from the University of Wyoming, she participated in a postdoctoral fellowship at Wichita
State University before beginning work at Ouachita in 2009.
Dr. Hubbard was delighted to find opportunities to learn about the chemistry of art,
which led to the development of a non-majors course on the Chemistry of Art, new arts-based
lab experiences for her chemistry courses, and a sabbatical working in the Conservation
Science Lab at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields (2017). Dr. Hubbard’s recent
research at Ouachita has focused monitoring the release of BPA (bisphenol A) from
plastics and other materials.
In her personal time, Dr. Hubbard enjoys reading, playing violin (poorly), singing
(slightly less poorly) and traveling.
Fun Facts
What do you like most about your field?
The challenge of solving problems and putting the pieces together like a puzzle was
what made me fall in love with chemistry. That “A-ha!” moment when everything comes
together; that was the best feeling in the world.
What is a favorite moment of working with students at Ouachita?
I love getting to experience the “A-ha!” moments of my students at Ouachita. Helping
them grow and learn in their knowledge, and seeing the excitement on their faces as
they learn new concepts, is the best feeling in the world.
Areas of Expertise
Featured Courses Taught:
- Fundamentals of Chemistry
- Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry
- Quantitative and Instrumental Analysis
- Scientific Connections: Chemistry of Art
- OBU Connections: Science of Sherlock
- American Chemical Society (Co-advisor for Ouachita student chapter, Central Arkansas
Local Section Chair Elect and Southwest Region Vice-Chair)