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Academic Success Center

Keeping up with homework, understanding classroom concepts, sharpening study skills, getting a handle on time management: Whatever your challenges, the Academic Success Center can help. Think of the ASC as a partner in helping  ASC provides students with the resources to succeed in college by maintaining a program of support services to address their educational needs.

The Academic Success Center’s goal is to help students become independent and efficient learners so they are better equipped to meet the University’s academic standards and successfully attain their educational goals. At our Center, students are challenged and encouraged to become actively involved in their learning.

The purpose of the Academic Success Center is to provide students with the resources to succeed in college by maintaining a program of support services to address their educational needs. If they need help with homework, classroom concepts, study skills, upcoming tests, or anything else academically related, our staff is here to help. Our Center offers a variety of services such as tutoring, success courses teaching better study skills, workshops, and the Tiger Success Program. In addition, we take a proactive approach academic preparation through the Summer Bridge Program, peer mentorship and the G.R.I.T. program. The Academic Success Center staff is committed to helping underprepared students prepare; prepared students advance; and advanced students excel. No matter what category you fall into, the Academic Success Center can help!

Free tutoring is available on the 1st floor of Lile (Suite 122), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.



90% of tutoring staff are CRLA-Certified



ASC serves more than 1,000 students annually



Students tutored in Fall 2022



Summer Bridge Program Persistence Rate (Fall to Spring)

Our Services and Programs

Your success at Ouachita matters to us.

The Academic Success Center offers tutoring services and study skill strategies to help students achieve their academic goals. Tutoring is peer-based, in which students can receive tutoring one-on-one or in a group.

Tutoring services include: Walk-in Lab Tutoring, Group Tutoring, One-on-One Tutoring, Study Sessions and Athletic Study Halls.

Learn More

While Ouachita’s admission is test-optional, please note that your recent test scores or placement tests will be used to place you in your core requirements for the fall semester. For additional questions, contact the Academic Success Center at [email protected].

Incoming freshmen are preloaded into the classes below based on recent test scores or placement tests. Students placed in the classes below must participate in the Academic Success Center’s (ASC) Tiger Success Program.

The Tiger Success Program is a first-year incoming freshman program to assist students transitioning from high school to college. This program offers a wide range of support and is uniquely individualized for each student. Students are assigned an ASC staff mentor to meet with them to determine their needs for the semester. The student will sign a success plan contract and must participate in services that best fit their needs. Students who are required to take academic skills courses (ASKL or ASKL component courses) will be required to participate in the Tiger Success Program.

ASKL 1023.0 Introductory Problem-Solving Skills
[MPI < 65] A grade of at least C must be earned before attempting a college level math course.
Test out option: Placement test in Information – contact Dr. Jeff Sykes at [email protected].

If a student does not have an MPI score, they must take the Math Placement Test on Moodle or submit official SAT/ACT Math scores. Students must have an MPI score before registering for a Math class.

ASKL 1031.0 Fundamental Reading
Combined ACT English + Reading ≤ 36 (SAT Verbal ≤ 490). If no test score, high school GPA < 3.2.
Test out option: Test will be administered during new student orientation (WOW). Student can contact [email protected] with questions.

RECOMMENDED: ASKL 1031.0 Fundamental Reading
For students with a combined ACT English and Reading score of 37-39 or if SAT VERBAL is 500-520 or CLT VR+GW 46-49. If no test score, high school GPA < 3.4.

CORE 1043.0 Composition I AND CORE 1010.0 Composition I Lab (not available online)
ACT ENG ≤ 19, SAT VERBAL ≤ 520. If no test score, high school GPA < 3.2.
Test out option: Contact Jennifer Pittman at [email protected] to submit a writing sample.

ASKL 1011.0 Transition Seminar
For freshmen who are required to take one of the above courses.

Students scoring above an MPI score of 65 can be placed in the courses specified by the score range in the chart below.

MPI ≥ 65
MPI ≥ 75
MPI ≥ 80
MPI ≥ 85
MATH 1001, 1003 College Algebra w/ Lab
MATH 1033 Math/Liberal Arts
MATH 2123 Number Sense & Operations (Educations majors only)
MATH 1003 College Algebra
MATH 1034 Precalculus w/ Lab
MATH 1103 Introduction to Cryptology
MATH 2063 Elementary Statistics, Offered in Spring
PHIL 1003 Intro/Philosophy
PHIL 1023 Logic
MATH 2014 Calculus I, Offered in Spring


For a full list of ASKL courses and course descriptions, view Ouachita's General Catalog.

Information regarding Academic Probation is taken from Ouachita's General Catalog.

Academic Probation is the status of a student whose academic performance is below the following minimum standards.

Cumulative GPA of 1.700 0 – 28.5 semester hours
Cumulative GPA of 1.800 29 – 58.5 semester hours
Cumulative GPA of 1.900 59 – 88.5 semester hours
Cumulative GPA of 2.000 89 – and above semester hours

After grades are posted at the end of the fall and spring semesters, the student, advisor, and Registrar will be notified of the student’s placement on Probation I, Probation II, or Academic Suspension.


A student who does not meet the above standards will be placed on Probation I.

A student on Probation I, as a condition of registration, shall have passed or be enrolled in ASKL 2001 Success Seminar and repeat such courses with D or F grades that will contribute most to the requirements of a degree. A student may repeat a course in which a D or F has been previously recorded. The second and any succeeding grades will be used to calculate the GPA. The academic load of a student on Probation I must not exceed 15 hours, except by permission of the Academic Success Center Director.


A student on Probation I status whose semester GPA is less than 2.000 or who does not raise the cumulative GPA to meet the above minimum standards will be placed on Probation II.

A student on Probation II, as a condition of registration, shall have passed or be enrolled in ASKL 2001 Success Seminar, repeat such courses with D or F grades that will contribute most to the requirements of a degree, and sign a contract of participation in the Student Retention Program. A student’s failure to honor the contract will be grounds for being asked to withdraw from school. The academic load of a student on Probation II must not exceed 15 hours, except by permission of the Academic Success Center Director.


A student on Probation II status whose semester GPA is less than 2.000 or who does not raise the cumulative GPA to meet the above minimum standards will be placed on Academic Suspension.

While on Academic Suspension, a student may not earn credit to be transferred to Ouachita. After being placed on Academic Suspension status, a student may apply for readmission following a lapse of at least one regular semester. At the Deans’ Council’s discretion, a student on Probation II whose semester work would result in Academic Suspension may be considered for immediate readmission if the student has attempted 89 or more semester hours and makes a semester GPA of 2.000 or better.

In all cases, written application to the Deans’ Council for readmission must state reasons for desiring reinstatement and plans for remedying academic deficiencies. A student who has been suspended for academic reasons and readmitted to the University will be placed on Probation II status.


A student on Conditional Admission I may attain regular academic status by meeting the minimum cumulative GPA requirements for the number of hours attempted as stated above.

A student on Conditional Admission II, Probation I or Probation II may attain regular academic status by meeting the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a semester GPA of 2.000 AND raise the cumulative GPA to meet the minimum standard as stated above. For the purpose of attaining regular academic status, the GPA will be calculated at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  2. Maintain a minimum course load of 12 semester hours during the fall or spring semester.


Any student seeking an exception to academic policy may petition the Deans’ Council. Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and online. The Deans’ Council will notify the student in writing of its decision. Referrals or appeals from the Deans’ Council to the President must be made in writing, with all pertinent records and reports included. No appeal will be considered until all materials are furnished. The President’s response to the referral/appeal will be made in writing to the student, with copies to members of the Deans’ Council, Registrar, and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The mission of the Tiger Success Mentor Program is to increase academic engagement, involvement in the campus community and Tiger spirit while assisting freshmen with the transition to college life. This program is uniquely designed to pair previous Conditional Admission students with incoming Conditional Admission students. In the Tiger Success Mentor Program, Conditional Admission freshmen are provided a personal mentor that will meet with them regularly during their first semester at Ouachita.

The mentors in the program are successful undergraduates prepared to engage freshmen in campus activities and refer them to resources that can help them achieve their academic and personal goals. Freshman students who participate in the program benefit heavily from having a personal connection with someone on campus who can provide extra academic and social guidance.


Benefits to Mentors

  • To share one's knowledge and experiences
  • To enhance self-esteem
  • To share educational, leadership, career and learning goals
  • To gain recognition for service to the individual and the University
  • To enjoy the feeling of being useful and supportive
  • A meaningful resume entry

Benefits to Mentees

  • To learn more about the University and the community
  • To build self-esteem
  • To enhance self-motivation, self-discipline and goal setting
  • To be more successful in one's academic career
  • To be motivated by academic success


Mentor pairs will work through many practical tips for academic and personal success throughout the school year, including at least one special outing in addition to regular meetings to navigate things like:

  • Academic Catalog
  • Moodle
  • Degree Planning
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty & Staff Directory
  • Academic Calendar
  • Withdrawal, Drop or Other Important Dates
  • Midterms and Final Exam Schedules
  • Preregistering for Classes
  • Academic Advisors


  • Growth
  • Resilience
  • Initiative
  • Transformation

Through the GRIT program we want to connect with students who may need additional help and provide support and guidance to help them achieve their academic goals.

Students who earn the minimum standard GPA to remain on regular academic status but still fall below a 2.1 may need additional support to maintain their academic status. We work with these students to provide necessary support and connect them with resources to ensure they do not reach probationary status.

Information about academic probation and GPA requirements can be found on the Academic Probation page here.

What are the benefits of this program?

  • Personalized mentoring
  • Create a success plan to help you stay on track
  • Get connected to academic resources
  • Accountability

Who is this program for?

Any student that is not on a probationary status but has a GPA below a 2.1 will be a part of this program. The ASC will reach out to these students at the beginning of each semester explaining their status and providing more information about the GRIT program and requirements.

"The Academic Success Center strives to provide students with the success tools, resources, and services they need to develop, learn, and thrive on our campus. Our ASC team understands the importance of creating an environment where students have a sense of belonging, feel heard, and receive the individualized assistance needed for a successful college experience. In the center, we are committed to every student’s success, and our number one goal is to help every student persist to graduation."

Nicole Porchia headshotNicole Porchia
associate vice president for student success & retention


Any student requesting tutoring should register for tutoring in our center. Our staff will be more than happy to walk you through the registration process. If a student needs to request tutoring due to their subject not being available, they will be contacted by the ASC staff once the form has been processed, with a set appointment time.

The Academic Success Center requires all sessions take place at a public, on-campus location. Tutoring will most often occur within the Academic Success Center, Lile 121, & JSC 234.

If you cannot attend a session, please make sure you call or email the Academic Success Center at least 24 hours in advance. In the event that you are unable to give a 24 hour advance notice for unforeseen circumstances, please be sure to contact the Center as soon as possible.

Academic Success Center
Lile Suite 122
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (870) 245-5381

If you decide to cancel your tutoring session, you will need to email [email protected] stating that you wish to “withdraw” or “request change” for your tutoring session.

  • Be punctual and reliable.
  • Come to tutoring sessions prepared to participate.
  • Write down questions and ideas when you study and bring them with you.
  • Do your homework prior to the tutoring session; this allows your tutor to identify both strong and weak areas in your work.
  • Give your tutor feedback about his/her effectiveness in helping you. Tutoring is a partnership which requires input from both parties.
  • Keep your tutor informed about your academic progress.

  • Your tutor has been through an interview to assess his or her communication skills, interpersonal skills, knowledge of the fundamentals of successful learning strategies, and commitment to assisting tutees.
  • Your tutor has shown that he or she has excelled in the course material. Tutors may not know the answer to every question, but they have a good basic knowledge and will help you to find answers to your questions.
  • Your tutor should always treat you with respect and understanding. If this is not true, please notify ASC staff immediately.
  • Your tutor should give you honest feedback and/or constructive criticism about your academic performance. Your tutor should be punctual, reliable, and accurate in keeping records (Please inform us if this is not the case).


Have a question about Ouachita? Want more information? Shoot us a message!


Next Steps
